Pretty Prickly

Grief and mourning

I have been very prickly, lately. They say things get easier with time. Six and a bit months later, things have certainly not got easier. They are different. And it's hard to explain exactly what that means. What is different is having to accept that you never know - really - what will trigger an … Continue reading Pretty Prickly

Hung out to dry, or did @gmuxx just duck?

Yes, I know that at best, I'm employing too many cliches and, at worst, mixing metaphors, and I warn you, if you read on, it'll not get any better. It's not in my nature to air dirty laundry in public. I don't like confrontation, either. However, there are two other things I loathe more: oblique … Continue reading Hung out to dry, or did @gmuxx just duck?