Late last summer, a pair of African swallows, built a nest under the eaves of our front veranda. At the time, we thought it a bit late in the season for a brood, but a brood they had. Many a late afternoon, we watched as they went about the very frustrating job of getting their babies to bed. Much like humans, these swallow parents had to deal with the exuberance of a new-found, fun skill: the children did not want to go to bed – flying about was such fun!
Winter arrived. Jack and Jill left and I missed their cheerful “chissick!” greeting as they swooped along the veranda past the office window several times a day. They would be back, I knew, to add to the nest that they had so carefully built.
Along with winter, came the need for work on our roof. Large men with even larger boots stomped about on the veranda roof – Jack and Jill’s house came tumbling down! I was horrified! There, in smithereens, was their hard work, and lying amongst them, the most beautiful warm bed that they had made with, among other things, guinea fowl and pigeon feathers.

Then, about six weeks ago, much to our delight, as we were contemplating something or other in the office, we heard a flutter and something swooped past the window, under the eaves. Then another. And then a “chissick!”
Jack and Jill were back! For a few days they were much in evidence, flying about, and generally having a ball…
After a cold snap and some rain, we noticed that they had started to work on the old nest. The weather cleared and went from winter to summer in a single day, and there was no more mud. Work stopped.
A couple of weeks passed and we had another cold snap and rain – lots of mud about again. Jack and Jill began rebuilding in earnest, and this is what they have built over the last 10 days, from the ruins of their old home.
Yesterday and today, they have been literally feathering their nest, so I suppose we will soon see less of Jill as she sits on her eggs in the nest under the eaves of our veranda.
If I am able to get good pictures of the babies, I’ll update this post and re-blog….
© Fiona’s Favourites 2014