I have flirted with vegetarianism on and off for about thirty years, particularly when I lived alone - which I have done, not unhappily, on and off, until I finally settled down with Tom. One of the first, if not the first, recipe book I bought, was the A - Z of Vegetarian Cooking in … Continue reading Veg-ing out
Tag: McGregor
Long, leisurely, Lord’s
We are very lucky to live in a beautiful valley that produces wonderful wine and creates fabulous opportunities for celebrating not just wine, but its talented cellar masters and wine makers. The Robertson Slow Festival is unique. It is a genteel, intimate and relaxed festival that spreads itself through the valley. People come together in … Continue reading Long, leisurely, Lord’s
Shadow of Time
Over past few years I have had the joy of reconnecting with people who left my life as I journeyed through it. The joy has been unexpected. I am reveling in our shared histories and memories; enjoying rekindling friendships and acquaintances. Some of these are already part of Fiona's Favourites as I celebrate milestones and share memories associated … Continue reading Shadow of Time
Eating to Live
Friday, 18 July 2014, in McGregor dawned: a cold, blustery morning. It was also the first Mandela Day since his death in December 2013; he would have been 95. Later that day I was heading down to our local community service centre (aka the police station) to join a sandwich drive. This, juxtaposed with my my … Continue reading Eating to Live
The beginning – revisited
When I started this blog, it was on a whim: the initial thought had been to share ideas about what I cook and/or how we entertain and how, we’re in the process of developing our home and garden in McGregor. Over the last six or so months, I have realised that Fiona’s Favourites is allowing … Continue reading The beginning – revisited
Sensational sandwiches
A sandwich is a sandwich, is a sandwich - or is it? Since mid-January, I have forsworn bread and potatoes. I thought that it would be difficult, but it hasn't been. I think that the main reason for this is that I made a decision that this was a choice rather than a rule. It was … Continue reading Sensational sandwiches
The formal stuff I...ahem...Fiona Cameron-Brown...am a writer - for hire - who works remotely from McGregor in the Winelands of South Africa. Credentials In March 2020 I successfully completed a certificate in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) to complement my a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in English and Geography) and Higher … Continue reading Fiona