Tuck shop tucker

At boarding school, there was really very little reason to go to the tuck shop.  We used to get sandwiches at break (for my US blogpals - mid-morning recess).  They were always brown bread and usually the freshest of soft fresh.  My favourites were egg.  I still love egg sandwiches.  When I make them, I … Continue reading Tuck shop tucker

Leftovers – when they are not: leftover

The notion of leftover food and what happens to it, is a divisive one.  I remember my ex returning from a conference with a story about a fellow delegate just would not eat leftover food.  If there was any food left over, his wife had to throw it away. I must digress That entire exchange … Continue reading Leftovers – when they are not: leftover

Long, leisurely, Lord’s

We are very lucky to live in a beautiful valley that produces wonderful wine and creates fabulous opportunities for celebrating not just wine, but its talented cellar masters and wine makers.  The Robertson Slow Festival is unique.  It is a genteel, intimate and relaxed festival that spreads itself through the valley.  People come together in … Continue reading Long, leisurely, Lord’s

Eating to Live

Friday, 18 July 2014, in McGregor dawned:  a cold, blustery morning.  It was also the first Mandela Day since his death in December 2013;  he would have been 95.  Later that day I was  heading down to our local community service centre (aka the police station) to join a sandwich drive. This, juxtaposed with my my … Continue reading Eating to Live