Heritage food – my take

Foreword This post, in its original iteration appeared in 2018. On another platform. I have, for a number of reasons, been trying to systematically restore "missing" bits. It's a mixed blessing: some I choose not to restore. Others, like this, make me realise how much our lives have changed in the last year and now, … Continue reading Heritage food – my take

Aubergines – awful or awesome?

In our house, we call them brinjals, and other people call them melanzane or egg plants. You either like them or you don’t – like a friend’s daughter who, when she was little, announced to her mother I don't want to eat allmyjeans!! It took a while to work out that then little girl, now … Continue reading Aubergines – awful or awesome?

A burger’s a burger, or is it?

broad bean

I associate burgers with quick food.  They are, if one gets them "done".  They're not if they're home made from scratch.  I make both meat and plant-based burgers.  One has to go a long way to find a good vegan or vegetarian patty.  Especially at a restaurant:  I've had some really memorable (for all the … Continue reading A burger’s a burger, or is it?

A Taste of France – II

This simple chicken dish sounds exotic, but it isn't really.  What adds an extra dimension to it is the Herbes de Provence.  I've written about them before, and use them quite often.  Those blogs, alas, are lost somewhere in cyberspace.  It turns out to be a mixed blessing.  I'm refining quite a few of my … Continue reading A Taste of France – II

Black and white*

That old cliché, that nothing in life is black and white, is also a truism. Mid 2016, I was increasingly less able to manage the jaundice that was developing in my working environment and then my work encroached on my blog space.  Posts were sporadic over the previous 18 or so months:  not for lack … Continue reading Black and white*