
The formal stuff

I…ahem…Fiona Cameron-Brown…am a writer – for hire – who works remotely from McGregor in the Winelands of South Africa.


In March 2020 I successfully completed a certificate in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) to complement my a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in English and Geography) and Higher Diploma in Education from Rhodes University.  I have a Certificate in the Principles and Techniques of Fundraising, a joint initiative by the Fundraising School at Indiana University, in the USA, and Southern Africa Institute of Fundraising (SAIF). Because of my role in the development and implementation of the Certificate in Fundraising Management programme at the University of South Africa, I also hold this qualification.  I was accepted as a Ph D candidate (education) a few years ago, but did not pursue it.

Follow the links for more about what I do now, and what I did then.

TL;DNR:  I’m a word warrior and writer for hire.


Under the auspices of Fiona Cameron Consulting, a post school education and training consultancy, I co-founded the SkillZHub, a social enterprise that shared information and provided a discussion forum on skills development and occupational training.  I was co-developer of The Quality Management Framework for small training providers. This ISO 9001-based framework can be successfully applied to other small businesses.

Before starting Fiona Cameron Consulting, in 1993, I lived in Johannesburg where I worked in both the private and non-profit sectors, in various capacities.  This ranged from developing and writing educational materials while at SACHED, to administration and fundraising. I was an administrative officer in the Minerals Council South Africa (formerly the Chamber of Mines), and while in the parking industry, administered 29 car parks with revenues averaging R 1 million each, per month. During my time as a fundraiser, I exceeded income targets and conducted funding negotiations with senior people in both business and diplomatic sectors.

After leaving Johannesburg, I lived in Queenstown, Eastern Cape, where I was Regional Training Co-ordinator of the housing programme for the Independent Development Trust, and worked with a diverse number of community and development organisations.

Volunteer work

In my personal capacity, I was a member of the board of the Access Trust for nearly 10 years.  I chaired the board of trustees for six years.  We provided bursaries for disadvantaged young people to attend technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges. In that capacity, I twice contributed articles to the FET College Times.

For a period, I served as an elected member of the CHIETA‘s Western Cape Regional Consultative Committee, representing small business and skills development providers. I was a co-opted member and Chairman of Cape Town Child Welfare Society‘s Marketing and Funding Committee. As a member of the Southern Africa Institute of Fundraising (SAIF) from 1991 until 2000, I was both National Treasurer and Chairman of the Western Cape Branch. As a member and chair the National Council’s Education Committee, was instrumental in initiating the development of an education and training programme for the fundraising profession in South Africa.

As a volunteer in the street children movement, during the late 1980’s, I served on the Board of Management of (Girls and) Boys’ Towns South Africa; as Chairman of Project Street Children – Education and Social Support, I initiated the Johannesburg Street Children Coordinating Committee. In 1991, Fiona received the Hillbrow Rotary Club Achiever of the year award as “Top Individual”.

The fun stuffFiona Cameron-Brown

I am a writer, Instagram addict,  homemaker and cook, a kitchen gardener;  neither a designer nor a chef.

I love cooking and feeding people, so you will find my fare at the local pop-up market every Saturday. On Sundays, until the pandemic struck, The Husband and I hosted Sunday Suppers @ The Sandbag House (our home) – a service to the village when there was no other meal offering available for visitors or locals.

A recipe book has been suggested…we shall see how things unfold….


The urge (I hesitate to say inspiration) to write is one that I’d suppressed for years.  It has been allowed to emerge thanks to the friends and strangers who read this (and more latterly, look at, my happy snaps) – and who want more.

For some, the topics are trivial and fluffy, for others, less so.  Regardless, I have elected, in this space, to stay away (mostly) from politics, religion and bad wine…  So, Fiona’s Favourites is mostly a happy place, although, from time to time, sadnesses happen: all part of the fabulous fabric of life – and why I have been in a writing hiatus.

I live in an alternative technology house, in McGregor in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.  Now, alas, without The Husband, and again, three cats, Tiger Princess Pearli and Gandalf the Grey and Rambo Mr Richard Parker, a black wanderer who’s chosen to make The Sandbag House, home.

If you want to get in touch….

20 thoughts on “Fiona

  1. You have a wonderful life out there. I’ve read your guest post and I love it. You inspires me to write passionately like what you did in your recipe. Keep us inspired. Thanks Fiona.

    1. Thank you, and I’m glad. I will keep on doing this for as long as I find things that I want to write about. While my intention was not necessarily to inspire, I’m happy that I do, and I hope to continue doing so. 🙂

  2. It’s always awesome to see another writer inspired by others to continue working. I think there’s a great amount of potential here, and I look forward to reading what you do next. Have a great day!

  3. Thanks for coming to see me at Steve Says…come again, stay a while – have a wee drink even. Happy blogging! Oh, and if you like music please check out my music blog if you get a chance…

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Barbara! Apologies for the delay – I was away, and working on my tablet, I miss things. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and best to you!

    1. Thank you Anabel, and I, yours! Both my dad and my mum-in-law were born and brought up in Glasgow, and within miles of each other, although they both lived most of their lives in Africa.

        1. And, come to think of it, my dad never went back after they emigrated in 1966. That decision is a whole other story.

          1. Yip. My folks had actually planned to go to Aus when they left Uganda. Didn’t work that way because I was on the way 😉

            Some of The Husband’s family is in Aus. Not sure when they went.


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